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To reduce the use and prevent the abuse of substances by our youth and adults in our community through active partnerships and collaboration.

That all Seneca County residents have access to consistent, factual, data driven prevention, education and referral resources.



  1. Support: experiencing people and places that are accepting and loving

  2. Empowerment: knowing they are valued and valuable

  3. Boundaries & Expectations: understanding limits and possibilities

  4. Constructive Use of Time: being involved in enriching and structured activities

  5. Commitment to Learning: believing that education is important and engaging

  6. Positive Values: caring for others and holding hide standards for self

  7. Social Competencies: developing skills and relationships for life

  8. Positive Identity: believing in their personal power, purpose, and potential


Let’s work together to build our youths’ protective factors!!

What are protective factors??  Skills needed to succeed in life! Everyone in our community contributes to our youths’ protective factors. Help us help our youth by providing these 8 basic building blocks:

Drug Take Back Day

National Night Out

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